Contemporary Landscape Architecture in Visegrad Countries
The exhibition presents 40 sites designed by landscape architects in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary in 2010-2015. Among them, you can find excellent examples of parks, historic gardens, urban spaces, roof gardens, boulevards, furniture and playgrounds.
The exhibition was created as part of the “Contemporary Landscape Architecture in Visegrad Countries” project of the Association of Landscape Architecture – Poland (SAK), co-financed by the International Visegrad Fund – IVF in 2015. Its aim was to promote landscape architecture in partner countries, to integrate the environment of landscape architects from the Visegrad Group countries (V4) and to exchange of experience between designers. The exhibition initiates a collaboration between the Eduard Petzold European Centre for Garden Art at Sarny Castle and the Association of Landscape Architecture – Poland (SAK). The exhibition catalog is available for free download in the “Publications” tab.
Almost four decades have passed since the publication of the book entitled Landscape Architecture [J. Bogdanowski, M. Łuczyńska-Bruzda, Z. Novak, 1981, Architektura Krajobrazu] in Poland. Among numerous definitions of problems and methods formulated there, there is a statement saying that landscape architecture is the most modern form of shaping the human environment; it is a style of architecture. Now we know that those words proved to be prophetic. The new style has become not only a fashion statement but a necessity.It is based on a dialogue with the landscape. The landscape creates the dialogue rules,and the knowledge of these rules is the foundation of creating in the spirit of dialogue. Reaching an agreement with the landscape helps to create a work of logic, fitting in both the tangible and intangible context.As a result – we generate an added value. The communication process initiated at the design stage is continued during the use phase; the space created on this basis inspires you to continue the dialogue, establishes the connection between the landscape and the public. It becomes a space of contact with the landscape.
Urszula Forczek-Brataniec, exhibition curator
The exhibition is part of the program of the Mountains of Literature Festival organized by the Olga Tokarczuk Foundation on July 7-16, 2023.
The number of exhibition visitors : 18,500
Project Leader
Exhibition curator
- Urszula Forczek-Brataniec
Project coordinator
- Piotr Murdza
Graphic designer
- Michał Jandura
Organizers of the ECSO Exhibition Edition
- Sarny Castle Trust
- Eduard Petzold European Centre for Garden Art
Polish editing
- Jacek Kuśmierski
- Łukasz Przybylak