The official launch of ECSO was celebrated with the first publication on the musealisation of the European Gardens in the twenty-first century. We dedicate it to all museum professionals who want to carry out activities devoted to garden art.
For at least two centuries, historic gardens have been an object of care of conservators and historians who strive to preserve their artistic, historical, scientific and natural values. They were joined by museologists who perpetuate the memory of the gardens through, inter alia, collecting and processing museum exhibits, providing access to collections, as well as curatorial and educational activities.
When our Team worked on the concept programme of the Eduard Petzold European Centre for Garden Art, we decided to research this phenomenon and discover the most interesting curatorial practices on our continent. Today we would like to share with you the results published in the book ‘Hortuseum. Musealisation of the European Gardens in the twenty-first century’, written by Jacek Kuśmierski, a member of our Team.
‘Hortuseum’ is the first synthetical publication on this subject in Poland and one of the few in Europe, dedicated to all museum employees who want to carry out activities devoted to the art of gardening. The book contains:
- A lot of interesting information about the role of gardens in modern museums.
- Examples of good practices of including greenery in museum programs.
- A map of the gardens included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
- Map of gardens and horticulture museums in the world.
- List of 113 garden exhibitions in European museums.

The book was published on the occasion of the establishment of the Eduard Petzold European Centre for Garden Art by the Sarny Castle Trust in 2020. The patron of the publication is the European Route of Historic Gardens (ERHG).
The book is available for free download in the “Publications”.