Podcast on the Marketing Potential of Historic Gardens


We invite you to listen to the podcast “Business in the Garden Beds” (Polish only)! In the 15th episode, Marta Tysowecka and Kasia Nowacka host Jacek Kuśmierski to discuss how historic gardens can become a brand and how to promote them effectively.

Photo: Greendea – Marketing in the Gardening Industry

If you work in this industry, want to attract new clients, or promote your brand more effectively, this podcast is a must-listen. “Business in the Garden Beds” offers not only practical advice but also inspiring conversations with experts to help you grow your business and strategically plan marketing activities.

In the 15th episode, you will learn about the popularity of historic gardens, the concept of garden tourism, and how to effectively promote gardens through storytelling. Jacek Kuśmierski explains what a garden brand is, how to build and promote it, and which garden-related products can help you stand out in the market. You will also get tips on collaborating with gardening brands and creating long-term partnerships. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover new perspectives and ideas for developing your brand!

If you are looking for professional support in garden marketing or effective promotion of historic gardens, we invite you to collaborate with Greendea and the Eduard Petzold Foundation!

Ta strona używa ciasteczek w celach statystycznych i analitycznych. Dalsze korzystanie ze strony oznacza, że zgadzasz się na ich użycie.