ECSO has joined the Polish architectural education map

Photo: National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning

Architecture Driven Education (ADE) is an online platform initiated by the National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning (NIAiU), which is designed to create an environment for exchanging experiences, gaining competences and knowledge. ECSO is pleased to join the interactive map of architectural education, currently covering over 80 initiatives from all over Poland.

The platform offers various types of educational, popularizing and specialist content. You can read about architecture and urban space, listen to it, watch it, and look at it through the eyes of a designer. There are examples of books, educational materials, scenarios or task cards, as well as suggestions for workshops, lectures and walks. The content has been divided into three main categories so that everyone can easily find something for themselves:

  1. City – for employees of institutions, including cultural institutions, organizations or local leaders operating in the area of government, region or community.
  2. School – for educators and teachers operating at the intersection of formal and informal education.
  3. Home – for parents, children and teenagers interested in education about space in the context of free time.

One of the integral elements of the platform is the map of architectural education. It is the first Polish database of people and institutions operating in the field of architectural, formal and informal education. The map is addressed to both specialists and the public. We are proud to announce that ECSO has joined it, as one of more than 80 initiatives, such as the Museum of Architecture in Wrocław and the MIASTOmovie City and Architecture Film Festival.

More information about the platform and architectural education on the official website of the National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning (Polish)

Ta strona używa ciasteczek w celach statystycznych i analitycznych. Dalsze korzystanie ze strony oznacza, że zgadzasz się na ich użycie.