31. International Landscape Conference

Polish, English

The International Landscape Conference in Cracow is the most significant scientific event in Poland dedicated to historic gardens. This year marks its 31st edition under the theme “Landscape without Borders – Cooperation for the Conservation and Management of Cultural Landscapes.” The Eduard Petzold Foundation has the honor of patronizing this event.

Photo by 31. International Landscape Conference

The primary objective of this conference is to facilitate discussions concerning the conservation and management of cultural landscapes, with specific emphasis on historic gardens and parks, landscape complexes, national parks, nature reserves, and strategic documents. These deliberations will encompass various perspectives including conservation, ecological, climatic, planning, and landscape considerations.

The 31st International Scientific Conference will address the following topics:

  • Urban ecology and ecosystems,
  • Preservation of cultural heritage structures,
  • Integration of nature-based solutions in urban planning and design,
  • Exploration of cultural and historical linkages in garden art across nations,
  • Analysis of socio-environmental systems,
  • Examination of the role of gardens in fostering international integration,
  • Evaluation of diverse approaches to understanding garden heritage in distinct countries,
  • Collaboration initiatives for safeguarding, conserving, and promoting historic gardens.

The overarching goal of the conference is to disseminate current, influential research that advances the understanding and application of green systems within the realms of environmental sciences and allied disciplines. Furthermore, the emphasis will be placed on the sustainability and self-sufficiency of landscapes, alongside the preservation of biodiversity across different scales.

We wish to underscore that the conference annually attracts a diverse array of speakers from across the globe, fostering the exchange of invaluable experiences and insights. This convergence offers a unique opportunity to formulate universal principles and guidelines.

We invite all speakers to submit their presentation proposals through the official conference website until September 10, 2024. The conference will be held in a hybrid format, both in-person and online. Please direct any questions regarding the conference to: konferencjaogrodowa@pk.edu.pl


We extend a warm invitation for you to stay updated via our website and social media channels:
Website: https://konferencjaogrodowa.pk.edu.pl/en/1292-2/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LC.in.Cracow
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/landscape_conference/


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